happy spirit
Soul flatterer and giver of strength
happy spirit - Soul flatterer and giver of strength
Swing higher with everything that is good for your soul.
Perceiving what we cannot see with the eyes and yet feel intuitively.
what gives me strength and energy and protects me day after day?
it is the connection with my own hearing, with a protective source that guides me through life.
I feel particularly connected through meditation and daily rituals that nourish the connection between myself and my source of strength.
The higher self, the inner center, love, God, the universe, Buddha, Allah or whatever you want to call it, you trust this source and place things, issues, concerns and also worries in this higher power .
in my case it is the bond with God and the Trinity. I live my faith regardless of the church where I am, because God is everywhere.
in you, in me, in nature, in the animal and plant world, in all of creation. God is in us.
the gratitude for this source, whatever we call it, is from my point of view the essence of happiness.