Happy yogi
Yoga is happiness
I discovered my love for yoga when my body went on strike and
no longer wanted like me.
Before that I thought yoga was too calm for me and too little
challenging, but quickly I had successes like seldom before.
Not only was my body perfectly trained, but also my mind and breath at the same time.
Yoga combines fitness and meditation. Yoga suits me perfectly and certainly also you.
In my yoga shorts, which appear gradually, I will show you how the individual asanas are practiced and what to look out for.
The Yoga-Flow videos are a fusion of the individual asanas into a wonderfully flowing sequence of exercises, which deepen the positions practiced and at the same time calm the mind.
You will then feel clear and refreshed, your body will be
Thank you
While practicing yoga, I keep internalizing the following wisdom:
" WAHE GURU - Be your own guru"