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My Way to Now

Hi, I'm Nadja and today I would like to tell you my special story with its ups and downs.
I am the LOVE generation of the late 60s and grew up in Munich with my brother Lars in our very loving family.
Somehow I seem to have been born with a good deal of self-confidence, because even as a little girl I loved and looked for the camera and was enthusiastic about fashion.

When will the sea come, mom... 

Since I was a little girl I loved the sea and couldn't wait.

the vastness, the fascinating sound of the ocean and the glittering of the sun on the waves. was Love at the first sight.

At that time I couldn't yet realize how much the sea connected me to the meaning of my life and what deeper meaning it would have for me.


My self-esteem in my Mini Me Version was already quite strong, but as it's often the case, a lot of it was taken away from me at school.

I was the target of a lot of teasing, today we would call it bullying - legs too long, too thin, too tall, lips too thick, too fashionable, just too DIFFERENT.
What I didn't have back then was the calmness of other people's thoughts about me and the discouraging comments of these heroes.

“What you think of me Is none of my business!"
Terry Cole Whittaker
But back then It hit me deep in the core and influenced my behavior for a long time.

I often put on high boots, stuffed them with shoulder pads to make my legs look thicker, pulled in my lips to make them look thinner, etc.

“The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.” Rita Mae Brown
Luckily, I had a strong, empowering environment and got out of this trap pretty quickly.

I owe this above all to the wonderful women around me ! Thanks especially my mom and grandma at this point and to my lovely friends, whose friendship accompanies me to this day.
So my self-confidence took a hit, but ultimately I came out of it stronger.
However, I experienced firsthand how painful this is and developed even more empathy.
When it came to my career choice, I quickly decided that I wanted to go in the creative direction. 
I followed my path purposefully and learned fashion from scratch with passion.
I also knew what I wanted in love and soon met the man and love at my side. This was followed in the classic way - a big wedding and becoming a mother didn't take long to arrive.
I had always wanted to become a mother and was completely absorbed in my new role.

I also wanted to be fully there for my 2 wonderful children and took a long maternity break, which I have never regretted, on the contrary - my children and, since 2022, my grandchild are the happiness and wealth of my life.
But there were also big hurdles in my life. A personal stroke of fate required my full commitment for a few years, and so the job continued to be placed at the back.
With great confidence and motivated by friends who loved my own creations designed for me and the children, I went freelance in 2009 and founded my label Frauenlust, my stylish baby, which accompanied me professionally for many years and opened many doors for me.
Ten years later, with a heavy heart, I separated from my heart's project. The reasons for this are wide-ranging, it was a difficult process for me, but today I am completely at peace with it, also because I know that everything is as it appears is a valuable contribution to taking exactly the path in life that is destined for us.
Another separation determined the path of my life and the painful divorce from my first husband left me with a lot of trouble.

Six months later, my world was totally crashing down when my beloved mother left us far too early in January 2011, leaving a huge gap behind.

Thanks to my faith and the great confidence that has always been my faithful companion in good and difficult times in my life, I was able to “surf” these waves well despite everything. Because even though the storm clearly showed me what it means to have a massive stone on your heart and to face fear, to accept it, to learn to embrace it and to let go, to be able to recognize the gift behind it always gives me new Strength to overcome difficult situations.
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane is taking off against the wind, not with it." Henry Ford
At the same time in 2011 - yes, coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous - I met my current husband Christian via Facebook and through my label Frauenlust and it didn't take long until we felt that there was deep love between us and so we sealed it In 2017 we celebrated our love in nature - by the river and in our garden with our dream wedding.
From the beginning, Christian supports me with full dedication as a loving husband and with his art as a photographer in my visibility and brings the goddess out of me.
In terms of work, I started working freelance as a stylist at Zalon, a curated shopping service, in 2015. This job has grown so close to my heart and has given me so much freedom that I never had before. I was suddenly able to work freely from anywhere and lead the life of a digital nomad.
At the same time, I had a deep desire to combine my spiritual roots with my job, to bring my experiences and happiness into the world, and above all to connect with women, to be there for each other. 
the idea of “Happy Women” matured and I began "wonderful, inspiring women" to introduce.
I love women - nothing is as full of love and warmth as women who support each other, grow together and enjoy each other's success in order to shine in it themselves.
Because goddesses have no envy among each other, on the contrary, they shine together, aware of the fact that the big piece of cake is given in abundance for everyone.
The Goddess within us knows this and spreads her arms, full of love, to give and to receive.
The “WE ARE GODDESSES” forum was born from it.
“The Happy Style Bar” stands for joy of life and everything that excites and inspires me and that I want to share with other women. 
I imagine it symbolically as a bar from which great abundance can be drawn tirelessly. all the values that make us happy and enrich our lives.
My goal is with The Happy Style Bar to send a light into the world and at the same time, if that's what it's intended for me, to build another Mainstay.
So I learned everything about Instagram & from the best - Clublifedesign - in various courses. the social media world, as well as branding and the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, as well as the various ways to make money online and much more.
At the same time, business partners approached me to work with me in the area of content creation, so The Happy Style Bar matured into a business.
Another area that brings me joy is creating branding. I have grown into this because I have independently built up my entire brand concept, including my website, texts and color compositions, and I am constantly continuing my education.
As a result, I got jobs - creating websites for others, supporting them with branding and acting as a ghost/Copywriter. The pool that is available here in the area of freelance and remote work is inexhaustible and it is just the beginning for all of us.
There was more room to work because my job as a stylist was temporarily lost cause the company I was contracted to as a freelancer was currently reorganizing and reorienting itself.
So I used the time I had to create my online course Social Media With Heart 🤍, first as a life workshop and then online. I have worked on this course with all my heart and soul for the last twelve months and have woven all my love and know-how into it. For Now. this course is only avialable in German.
I give women, and perhaps soon you too, a guide on how you can assert yourself in the jungle of social media, use your full radiance, emerge from yourself with self-confidence - show your wonderful goddess within you and thus shine your light carry you out into the world. It is particularly important to me that you are strengthened in your self-love at the same time and that it stays that way during this energetically strong time.
Because you are so wonderful and valuable and are in your fullest strength -
I see it in front of me, you goddess.
Bring your inner majestic glow that lives within you into visibility.
You are the light the world needs.
I would like to give you my mantra to take with you on your path. And so the circle closes 🤍
Lots of love,
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